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Building a Stress & Anxiety Toolkit for Mums with Anxious Teens

Self Paced
Online Mini Course

Learn how to apply simple and practical
Breathing, Mindfulness and Movement techniques,
to navigate daily overwhelm
 and enhance your wellbeing, so you can take back CONTROL of anxiety for you and your family.

Lets turn knowledge into ACTION so you can ENJOY more and stress less!

Sound like you need this?

Introductory Offer now Available!


I'm right there with you...
My Story, Hi..

I'm Vicky, the creator of this new toolkit. I'm also a Pilates and Breathing Instructor, a mum, wife, cook, cleaner, laundry queen, shoulder to cry on, problem solver, business owner, hobby taxi driver, emotional wreck, and everything in between!


Can you relate already?


As a mum of two boys, I've faced unique challenges. My eldest has struggled with anxiety since he was a toddler, and my youngest has a lifelong, life-threatening food allergy that brings daily anxieties and constant risk management.


Life after having kids, although incredibly rewarding, was hard, stressful, and worrying. Navigating the world of allergies and anxieties took a toll on my own health and wellbeing as well as my families mental health. I developed gut issues, neglected exercise, and felt constantly run down.


A life-changing moment occurred for me when I joined a Pilates class seven years ago.  Pilates lifted me out of my slump, and I began to not only take back control of my health issues but I grew and developed as a person. Swapping a previous career in Marketing for an opportunity to teach I pushed way out of my comfort zone, but it was the start of learning to understand, manage, accept, and cope with life from a different perspective.


My passion for movement grew into all areas of lifestyle, and I began learning about and embracing breathing, nutrition, hot and cold therapy, mindfulness, and more. But I learn't that knowledge is only powerful when it's actually applied, so I have spent the last couple of years cultivating a sense of calm into our life amidst an ever-changing, overwhelming world by applying simple practices at home. 


I've built a toolkit of techniques, so when a situation arises I can pull out the right tool and use it to manage the moment. 


Now I want to help YOU! Do you want to join this journey with me?



Our Features



You and your teen find it hard to switch off the constant noise in your head? The 'what if's' and persistent overthinking consume your mind!


You know self care makes you feel better but it's the first thing you drop because you just can't find time or energy in your already overwhelming schedule?


You spend hours scrolling, reading and researching for help but get information overload then don't know where to start?


You are developing health issues that are triggered by stress but the situations causing the stress are out of your control so you don't know how to fix it?


There are simple techniques you and your teen can use to calm both mind and body, taking yourself out of your head and into the here and now.


Self-care doesn’t have to mean carving out extra time when your day is already packed. In fact, let’s not even call it self-care—think of it as a Mini Recharge or a Pause & Refresh.


I've done all the qualifications and research for you and have condensed it into easy, manageable chunks that you can learn, refer back to and use on a daily basis as your reference point to avoid overwhelm and constant scrolling!


There's no magic wand that will make stressful situations go away but I will help you build tools that allow you to manage the things you CAN control, so you can get back to good health mentally and physically. 


I’ll teach you small, manageable actions that seamlessly fit into a busy day without adding more stress. Once you've built your toolkit, you'll be able to pull out the right tool at the right time, effortlessly. 

Are you ready to start taking back CONTROL? 

Here's how we're going to do it



You won't know where to go until you know where you are currently at.

Learning how to become self aware of your brain and body is not only useful in understanding yourself and others (inc. your teen) but is a great tool in itself to refocus on that moment and take a break from the other noise in your head.

Don't know where to start? Don't panic...




You've heard it before, just take a deep breath and calm down! Easier said than done right? And is breathing really going to solve your problems?

Truth? It's not going to make the stressful situation go away BUT...If you pull it out of your toolkit at the right time, it can help you to deal and cope with that problem with more clarity, patience and calmness.

Willing to give it a try?





All a bit woo woo right? I thought so to a few years ago, until you realise that actually it's simple, effective and can be a tool that is instantly available when you need it. 

Are you ready to enjoy and notice the moment instead of battling against the worry in your head and realising you missed the good stuff going on right in front of your eyes.





They say movement is medicine and I agree! 

Imagine learning to move based on how you're feeling that day.

Let's say you are feeling tight in the shoulders having anxiously gone about your day. 

Don't worry...
I've got your back and a lovely pilates workout that will help release the tension in those shoulders for days just like these!


Imagine This....


  • You know how to calm down in a stressful situation before it spirals out of control

  • You know how to move your body to release daily tension and feel stronger mentally and physically so you feel energised rather than exhausted

  • You can perform a breathing exercise in a moment of panic without anyone even noticing, so you can instantly control your racing heart beat, tight chest and overactive mind!​

  • You can embrace the good stuff instead of feeling the burden of your anxiety and missing the moment


Wouldn't it be great to experience all of this?


  • You will have lifetime access to breathing techniques, mindfulness ideas, pilates workouts and other movement snacks all in one place ready for you to access what you want based on how you are feeing on that day and in that moment.

  • You will have someone who understands on hand to ask questions too. Live Q&As with me and support via email will be available as part of the course.​


Teenagers in Nature

OK...I've talked a lot about how I can help YOU, but what about
your teens anxiety?

So here's the thing about dealing with anxious teens...if you are in control of your own anxiety and understand it, then you are in a much better place to understand and respond to how they are feeling. If you are openly showing your children how you can cope, they will learn from you too.


And guess what? The same techniques you apply and the same tools you start to build in your kit, can be used by your teens as well. #winwin #learntogether


Working on your wellbeing in this way won't mean 'me first' it will mean 'me too'

Helping yourself is the first step to helping your teen.

Payment Form

Calm through the Chaos

Self Paced Online Mini Course


  • 5 Modules

    • Self Awareness, Mindset & The Nervous System​

    • Breathing Guidance & Exercises

    • Mindful Movement (Inc. Pilates workouts to suit your mood)

    • Mindfulness Guidance & Exercises

    • Bringing the Toolkit Together


  • 24 Bite-Sized Videos


  • 34 Page Resource Guide


  • Email Support


£49 Introductory Offer​



Not quite ready to buy but have some questions? No problem, feel free to pop me over a message anytime or download my FREE 3 Step Mindful Stress Reset Guide





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Calm through the Chaos
Self Paced Online Course

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£49 Introductory Offer


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